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Can't open the Mac version either. Any solutions for this?

Is there any chance of an android version?

Hi, I can't open the app on my mac. Can you help me, please.

Salut je pense avoir finis le jeu, il y aura une suite ? 

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Cannot get the game to run. Once installed all I get is a black screen. What's the fix?

How to run it on macOS Catalina?

on Mac you must enable the execution of unsafe programs

already done it, made chmod +x settings, the icon appears in the dock, then shows a window for a brief moment and crashes

hey drunkrobot so theres this glitch for me im on mac and i cant press new game because the screen is widened too muc


for Mac when the game is start, go on monitor settings and resize. So you have the game in window and you can reduct. In new relase we will fix it.

Thankyou for the support